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Invasive species in Portugal

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coastal wattle

silver wattle, mimosa, blue wattle

sweet thorn, karroo thorn, mimosa thorn

Sydney golden wattle, golden wattle

black wattle, Australian acacia, green wattle, tan wattle

Australian blackwood, blackwood, acacia blackwood

golden wattle

water wattle

Port Jackson wattle, blue-leaved wattle

century plant, agave, American agave, American aloe

croftonweed, sticky snakeroot, Mexican devil, catweed, eupatory

tree-of-heaven, Chinese sumac

capeweed, South African capeweed

giant reed, giant cane

annual saltmarsh aster

narrow-leaved broom

ice plant, iceplant, highway iceplant, Hottentot fig, sea fig

Lily of the Valley Tree

hairy fleabane, Argentine fleabane, fleabane

Canadian fleabane, Canadian horseweed

tall fleabane, broad-leaved fleabane, fleabane

pampas grass, silver pampas grass

brassbuttons, common brassbuttons

australian tree fern, lacy tree fern, highland lace, scaly tree fern, straw tree fern

Japanese holly fern; Asian net-veined holly fern; house holly fern; Japanese netvein holly fern

jimsonweed, common thorn apple, devils trumpet, jamestown weed, stinkwort


arrozinho, baguinho-de-arroz

leafy elodea, Brazilian elodea, Brazilian waterweed, common waterweed, dense waterweed, egeria

water hyacinth, common water hyacinth, water orchid

Canadian pondweed, common elodea, Canadian waterweed, American elodea, broad waterweed

Karwinsky’s fleabane, daisy fleabane, daisy, Latin American fleabane, Mexican daisy, seasurface daisy

giant sea holly

blue gum, Tasmanian blue gum, common eucalyptus

sanguinária do Japão

Chilean gunnera, Chilean rhubarb, giant rhubarb

willow-leaved hakea

silky hakea

kahili ginger, kahila garland-lily, wild ginger

hortênsia, novelos

blue morning glory, blue dawn flower

African elodea

cambará, lantana

silva-mansa, madressilva-dos-Himalaias

parrotfeather, Brazilian watermilfoil

Tree tobacco


prickly pear, barbary fig, cactus pear, Indian fig, Indian fig prickly pear, Indian pricklypear, mission fig, smooth prickly pear

bermuda buttercup, buttercup oxalis, soursob

plume albizia, mountain albizia

knotgrass, ditch grass, jointgrass, water couch, wiregrass, mercer grass

pokeweed, American pokeweed, pokeberry

pittosporum, sweet pittosporum, Australian boxwood, cheesewood

black locust, false acacia, locust tree, yellow locust


dusty miller, silver ragwort

dense-flowered cordgrass, austral cordgrass

wandering Jew, white-flowered spiderwort, small-leaf spiderwort, wandering creeper

Tojo, carqueja (na Madeira)